Consider a few facts about mobile phone radiation:
- Talking on a mobile phone 500 to 1000 minutes a month increases the probability of brain cancer by 300%
- Radiation from a mobile phone has been shown to damage or break DNA
- Radiation from mobile phones causes leakage of the blood-brain barrier
- Teenagers talk on cell phones an average of 2600 minutes a month
- Cell phone radiation is responsible for a 30% reduction in sperm count in men who carry cell phones on belt clips
Cell phone radiation is everywhere. In fact, the exposure to our children today is one hundred million times worse than the exposure of their grandparents. That's not a good thing because the damage done by these phones can be worse for kids than adults. Children have softer bones, especially skull bones, allowing the radiation to penetrate deeper.
Just recently Europe's top environmental watchdog group called for immediate action to reduce exposure to mobile phone radiation. The German government is also advising its people to avoid radiation from mobile phones by using wired connections instead of WiFi and to use landline phones instead. Understanding that cell phone radiation is a problem for kids, the British government advised parents to restrict their use to children over 12 years of age. The U.S. government remains silent. Sometimes money and politics are strong adversaries of truth.
Cell phones were the only radiation-emitting devices ever sold to the public without any pre-market safety testing. Does that trouble you?
And get this. So many people today are using these devices that you don't have to personally own one to be exposed to mobile phone radiation. It's like second-hand smoke. And since wireless information is now being beamed from satellites in space (how do you think a GPS device works?) there is no escaping its exposure anywhere on our planet.
For many years we were told that tobacco, lead and asbestos were safe. Many found out otherwise after it was too late. It's time to understand what's going on here. Cell phone radiation just might be the biggest toxin of this century. Let's not be fooled again. Radiation roulette is not a game we want to play.
Lynn Quiring, RPh, CCN, NMD
Lynn Quiring is a Registered Pharmacist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, and holds a degree in naturopathic medicine. He also holds diplomas in homeopathy and hormone regulation therapy. He is an expert in cell phone radiation and EMFs and their health effects on the body. He has practiced in natural medicine for over 10 years. He can be contacted by emailing to